Expectant Moms, Rejoice: Why Prenatal Massage is a Must-Try

There's nothing quite like the joy of bringing a new life into the world, but pregnancy can also bring its own set of challenges. From morning sickness to swollen feet, the changes that come with pregnancy can be overwhelming. But there's good news: prenatal massage can help ease those discomforts and provide some much-needed relief for expectant moms.

At Salt & Honey, we understand that pregnancy can be an emotional and physical rollercoaster. That's why we offer prenatal massage sessions designed specifically for expectant mothers. Our certified massage therapists use techniques that are safe and effective for both mom and baby, helping to relieve pain and tension while promoting relaxation and overall well-being.

Here are some of the benefits of prenatal massage that expectant moms can look forward to:

Alleviates back pain: As your baby grows, so does the strain on your back. Prenatal massage can help ease the tension in your muscles, reducing pain and discomfort.

Reduces swelling: Swelling is a common side effect of pregnancy, but massage can help stimulate circulation and reduce fluid buildup.

Promotes relaxation: Pregnancy can be stressful, but massage can help you relax and unwind. It can also improve sleep quality, which is important for both mom and baby.

Eases joint pain: The hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy can cause joint pain and inflammation, but massage can help reduce those symptoms.

Now, let's answer some common questions about prenatal massage:

What do they do in a prenatal massage? Prenatal massage is similar to a regular massage, but the therapist will use techniques that are safe for expectant mothers. You'll likely lie on your side with pillows for support.

When can you start prenatal massage?

You can start prenatal massage after 13 weeks of implantation, but talk to your doctor first!

Do you lay on your stomach during a prenatal massage?

It is not safe to lay directly on your stomach while pregnant, however, there are pregnancy pillows made specifically for prenatal to lay face down. Traditionally, they are done as a sideline position where you lay on your side and are supported with very comfortable pillows!

What is the difference between prenatal massage and regular massage?

Prenatal massage uses techniques that are safe for expectant mothers and focuses on relieving discomforts that are specific to pregnancy.

Who should not get a prenatal massage?

If you have a high-risk pregnancy, certain medical conditions, or are experiencing severe pain or bleeding, it's best to talk to your doctor before getting a prenatal massage.

What areas should not be massaged during pregnancy?

There are no specific area that should not be massaged. When you are pregnant you’ll want it all massaged, trust us!

Can massaging a pregnant woman's ankles induce labor?

There is a common myth that massaging a pregnant woman’s ankles can induce labor, but there has been no significant evidence to prove this. There have however been studies conducted to evaluate the effect of acupressure on the initiation of labor. This study showed that there were no ties to massaging ankles causing labor to induce. So if you were hoping that your massage might cause that stubborn baby to finally come, science doesn’t seem to back this up.

Are back massages safe during pregnancy?

Yes, back massages can be safe during pregnancy as long as the therapist uses techniques that are safe for expectant mothers.

What are the risks of prenatal massage?

Prenatal massage is generally considered safe, but there are some risks to be aware of, such as premature labor or increased bleeding. That's why it's always a good idea to talk to your doctor before getting a prenatal massage.


At Salt & Honey, we want to help expectant moms enjoy a happy and healthy pregnancy. Our prenatal massage sessions are a safe and effective way to relieve pain, reduce stress, and promote overall well-being for both mom and baby. So, why not give it a try? Your body (and your baby!) will thank you.


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